Recipients of the 2023 Adi Samanunu Cakobau Talakuli Scholarship and their parents gathered at the University of the South Pacific on Saturday March 3rd for an orientation with the staff and representatives of Tailevu USA.4AC1F5A8 E328 4313 8AA9 1CBB7D4D9489

Ten students were awarded scholarships for Undergraduate studies, one Postgraduate (completing post graduate diploma) and ten Trade Skills Diplomas.

The orientation began with a devotion conducted by the Reverend Isireli Kamikamica who encouraged the students to trust and acknowledge the Lord and not to be wise with our own eyes.

Dr. Akanisi Kedrayate Tabualevu reiterated the importance of education, USP Alumni Mr. Etika Vulavou spoke on the trappings and challenges that can occur while pursuing their education, Ms. Vasenai Sikinairai outlined procedures and available support groups.

Speaking via Skype, the Tailevu USA board chairman Mr Inoke Qarau congratulated and outlined the purpose behind the Adi Samanunu Cakobau Talakuli Schorlaship to the group. It is an intentional effort by the people of Tailevu in the US to invest in the education of young people of Tailevu for the embetterment of their village, distrtrict and province.

The Adi Samanunu Cakobau Talakuli Scholarship was established in 2013 by the people of Tailevu in the USA.It is made up of 5 districts, Hawaii, Pacific Northwest, Pennsylvania/South Bay, Sonoma County and Sacramento. Funds for the scholarship is raised annually at the popular ‘Siga kei Tailevu’ event which this year will be held in Laie, Hawaii on September 2nd, 2023.

The Hawaii event marks an important milestone of the program in celebrating its 10-year anniversary.

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